Dental Hygiene

Periodontal Disease and Management

Periodontal Disease or periodontitis is a serious gum infection that causes damage to the gums and bone that can eventually jeopardize the health of your teeth. Some symptoms of periodontitis can include red, swollen gums, gums that recede from the teeth, loose teeth, and bad breath. In some cases, the infection may be deep below the surface and may appear to have few external symptoms. If left untreated, periodontitis can lead to significant gum recession and bone loss, which can then cause tooth loss and serious health problems -- including increased risk of heart disease.

A common treatment for periodontal disease is scaling and root planing. Scaling and root planing is done in an effort to remove harmful bacteria and hard deposits called calculus, above and below the gums. Scaling and planing is usually performed under local anesthesia with an ultrasonic cleaner, which uses high-frequency vibration to separate the calculus from the tooth. This procedure may require multiple appointments to compete.

After scaling and root planing is completed, you will be placed on periodontal maintenance therapy. This is an ongoing specialized program of care for patients who have been previously diagnosed and treated for periodontal disease to keep the gums and bone healthy and free of inflammation-causing bacteria. Periodontal maintenance is typically done at three to four month intervals. During these visits, Dr. Blomquist or our hygienist will examine the health of your gum tissue by probing the depth of the gingival pockets and possibly also using x-rays to check the health of the supporting bone. Then a deep cleaning of beneath the gumline and deep into the pockets, removing any plaque and bacteria buildup that has occurred since the last visit.

Periodontitis is a disease, and there is no cure, but its effects can be stopped and reversed with proper treatment. Periodontal maintenance therapy is crucial to prevent it from worsening and causing additional complications for your oral and systemic health. Our office will work with you to create a maintenance schedule that best suits the unique needs of your oral health.